Showing posts with label firefighters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label firefighters. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2016

2015-12-25: Geocaching Through History on Christmas Day

So today is Christmas day and with family and friends back in Florida, it would've been too much to try and make it back there for a 3-day weekend. And so another day off also means another drive up to Lufkin for a Starbucks coffee. Surprisingly they're open on Christmas morning. Then Geocaching afterwards.

This time leaving Lufkin, we drove north on US-59. Our first stop was at the Walker Cemetery in Angelina County and our first cache for the day (GC5MB7P). In 1846, Thomas R. Walker moved into the area from North Carolina. In 1851, he wed Emily Z. Briscoe, and the couple farmed and reared their children on their homestead. Walker served as county sheriff and county judge, and was a member of the local masonic lodge. Upon his death in 1877, Walker was buried in this cemetery, which had been established before he purchased the land in 1858. Originally known as Red Land cemetery, this burial ground was in use for decades before Walker was buried here. One early marked grave is that of Nathaniel S. Abney (d. 1855), the young son of settler Paul C. Abney.

Further up the road and a couple caches later, we arrived in Nacogdoches. The next cache was at the local fire station. A tribute to firefighters and rather HOT cache!

We also visited the local cemetery of course, the location of yet another Geocache. Only this one was really hard. Hidden at the base of this old magnolia tree underneath a kazzilion leaves! Eventually found the string, but no container. Reading previous logs, it seems as though several others have had the same issue. Went to the car and found a replacement container to continue the cemetery caches.

I know it may seem like it at times, but our adventures are not always about Geocaching. When we see nice locations, we usually take some time to enjoy them also. One such place was the Lanana Creek Trail. It was a nice relaxing stroll along the creek.

While driving around town grabbing caches, we noticed a statue which was a tribute to the towns country doctors over the years from back when they used to make house calls. Another statue was of Karle Wilson Baker (1878-1960), nationally acclaimed and nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.

Our next Geocache was a virtual cache for this old fort. The Stone Fort Museum is housed in a 1936 replica, built on a new site, of Don Antonio Gil Y'Barbo's stone house. Y'Barbo, the founder of present day Nacogdoches, built the stone house circa 1780 as the formal portals to the Spanish District of Texas. The original site of Y'Barbo's house, torn down in 1902, is the corner of Fredonia and Main Streets in downtown Nacogdoches. During its history, the original house served variously as a public building, grocery store, candy store, saloon, and as a temporary fortification during the Magee-Gutierrez, Dr. James Long and Fredonia Rebellion filibusters.

This next cache I'm highlighting was a puzzle cache (GC5NFZA). This one took a lot of creativity and thoughtfulness! It also drove us CRAZY trying to figure it out! We must have spent 30 minutes trying to figure out. After reading previous logs and watching a YouTube video, I finally had a clue and opened it in minutes! WOW, What a fun cache!

The last stop in town before moving on was at this old railroad train. This Shay 36-ton Locomotive was built in 1907. There was supposed to be a cache hidden there by the tree, but we didn't find any evidence of one.

After leaving Nacogdoches, we headed over towards Timpson. There were several newly placed caches that had yet to be found. However, when we finally made it over to them there was another Geocachers name at the top FTF spot. Just 3 hours earlier! Perhaps if we ran our day in the opposite direction... so while we opted for coffee first and Nacogdoches next, we missed out on FTF's. Oh well, still a good day!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

2014-06-09: Road Trip Day #3 Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire

On day three of our summer road trip to New England, we found 16 Geocaches in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Our first stop was this statue located in Windsor, CT. It is of Major John Mason who was born in England in the year 1600. He immigrated to the New World in 1630 and founded the towns of Windsor, Old Saybrook, and Norwick. He was the Magistrate and Chief Military Officer of the Connecticut Colony. He died in 1672. This monument was erected by the state of Connecticut in 1889. This is just another example of the great benefits of Geocaching. You learn so much history!

Across the street was the First Church, the oldest Congregational Church in Connecticut. Its beginnings trace to 1630 in Plymouth, England, where 140 men and women sailed on the Mary & John bound for the colony of Massachusetts. Hearing from the indians of the fertile land along the Connecticut River, a small contingent of settlers, including the above mentioned Major John Mason, headed southwest establishing the first Connecticut town of Windsor in 1633. In 1635 the First Church congregation ventured from the settlement in Dorchester, MA and joined the rest in Windsor, CT.

Next door to the church is the Historic Palisado Cemetery which is home to the oldest legible gravestone in Connecticut. That gravestone belongs to the Reverend Ephraim Huit who died in 1644.

Heading further north up the road along highway 159, we passed by this "Drastic Park" made from scrape metal on the side of someones front yard. After stopping for a quick photo opp, I checked my phone and lo and behold there's a Geocache located there as well! A magnetic hide-a-key located inside the mouth of one of the dinosaurs.

Just a few more miles up the road near the Bradley International Airport, was our next to Geocache stops. The first at the Connecticut Fire Academy and this memorial to the brave men and women who put their lives in danger for others. Next door was another cache at the New England Air Museum.

Crossing over into Massachusetts, we made it to our next Geocache located at the entrance to Forest Park, in south Springfield, MA. There we found what had to be a 20' totem pole carving of Omiskanoagwiak, the Wolf People Medicine Man of the Pioneer Valley Indians.

From there, we detoured a little to the east to grab another Virtual Geocache. Most geocaches have an actual container and logsheet to sign. A Virtual Geocache was allowed in the early days of caching for use where a container could not be placed. Like the above medicine man statue was a virtual. It required emailing some information requested from the plaque. But they no longer exist to create new ones and when one gets archived, it cannot be re-created. So we always look for these types and sometimes go out of our way just to find one.

The next one was in the town of East Longmeadow, settled in 1744 and known for its sandstone quarries. There we found a stature called "The Quarryman" honoring those who quarried red and brown sandstone from over 50 quarries during the 1800's.

From there we continue on I-91 north to Holyoke, MA and stopped along the Connecticut River to view the dinosaur footprints. This was the location of an Earthcache. Similar to a virtual, there's no actual logsheet to sign. You read and learn about the location and then email the required information.

A big lizard was here!
The trail leading to the dinosaur footprints.
The next stop on the list wasn't much of a photo opp, but a piece of history. The virtual cache location was a piece of land with a large boulder and plaque. The plaque reads: "This boulder stands on part of the original home lot of Moses Hutchinson, one of the first five settlers of Old Pascommuck. On May 24, 1704, Pascommuck Settlement was attacked by Indians. Of the 33 people then living in this region, 19 were killed, 8 escaped, 3 were rescued, and 3 were carried captive to Canada.

Further up the road gave us a chance to stretch our legs and do some hiking. The next several Geocaches were located within the 400 forested acres of Mt Holyoke and J.A.Skinner State Park. Upon the mountain was the Summit House built in 1851, a memorial for a WWII plane that crashed here, some great views, and even some early graffiti! Yes, there was a name and date carved on one of the boulders from 1873. This carving went undiscovered until the 1970's.

Two more stops in Old Deerfield and in Greenfield for two more virtual caches. Old Deerfield was Indian land called Pocomtuck, settled by men from Dedham in 1671. Attacked by Indians, burnt and abandoned in 1675. Reoccupied and attacked in 1704 by the French and Indians, who took 47 lives, and carried off 112 captives to Canada, of whom 60 were later redeemed.

Finally, we settled in for the night at the Riverside Hotel located right alongside the Connecticut River on the border of New Hampshire and Vermont. A beautiful view from our room overlooking the river and the end to another great day of Geocaching, adventure, hiking, and history.

The view from hotel room.

From the old bridge looking back at hotel.

Ain't she pretty!